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frá kingnothing
03.maí 2021, 10:08
Spjallborð: English
Umræða: Snorkel snorkel!
Svör: 5
Flettingar: 18128

Re: Snorkel snorkel!

Super duper, thank you for the links.
I plan to put a snorkel for my Grand Vitara II, it might be an unusual idea but decided to try it anyway as I love visiting interior in the summer.
frá kingnothing
30.apr 2021, 23:02
Spjallborð: English
Umræða: Snorkel snorkel!
Svör: 5
Flettingar: 18128

Re: Snorkel snorkel!

Awesome, thanks, I will get in touch with them. If anyone have other ideas please share :)
frá kingnothing
30.apr 2021, 16:32
Spjallborð: English
Umræða: Snorkel snorkel!
Svör: 5
Flettingar: 18128

Snorkel snorkel!

Hi guys
I would like to ask you where I could find snorkel to buy. Do you have any shops except for arctic trucks? Or maybe you can recommend some online stores? I wish I could buy it here in the country, not order from another one :)

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