Leit skilaði 4 niðurstöðum

frá Trygve
08.sep 2018, 04:07
Spjallborð: English
Umræða: Visitor from America
Svör: 6
Flettingar: 12809

Re: Visitor from America

Hi Trygve. I´m happy to be on your list of people to contact for a ride-along. In fact I shouldn´t be allowed up in the mountains without a mechanically minded copilot, so this could easily be a win-win :-) As well as in your other reply - find me on FB as "Ragnar Eiriksson" (no Icelandic...
frá Trygve
08.sep 2018, 04:06
Spjallborð: English
Umræða: Visitor from America
Svör: 6
Flettingar: 12809

Re: Visitor from America

juddi wrote:Welcome

Thank you! I'm excited to visit!
frá Trygve
25.aug 2018, 03:52
Spjallborð: English
Umræða: Visitor from America
Svör: 6
Flettingar: 12809

Re: Visitor from America

Great! I will check back closer to my departure. Thank you.
frá Trygve
23.aug 2018, 04:01
Spjallborð: English
Umræða: Visitor from America
Svör: 6
Flettingar: 12809

Visitor from America

I found your page through a link on pirate4x4.com. I'm going to be visiting Iceland for three weeks in December and January. I am curious if any of your members might be willing to let me ride along on a four wheeling trip with them. For work I am a diesel mechanic in Alaska so I will not be a helpl...

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